Search monetization refers to a group of tools and techniques used to convert online traffic into producing revenue. Monetization is a term you hear everywhere these days. Everyone with an online business has the goal of producing money from that website, application, e-commerce site, or content.
All the efforts to convert visits, downloads, or clicks start from the premise of making money from traffic. “Monetizing traffic and search” sounds rather abstract, so let’s break it down by explaining what do we mean by traffic. Traffic means potential customers.
Internet traffic consists of the online activities of people online. Search traffic means simply people like you and me querying search engines. When they are online looking for a product or service to solve a problem, they turn into potential customers.
Search monetization means providing users searching for a keyword with the right answer and making money from it.
The importance of search queries
One of the most effective ways to monetize traffic is by monetizing search. Users search for what they want, so every search query gives you an opportunity for monetization. For instance, if you have an in-site search box, every search can tell you about user’s needs, what they are looking for. You can then use this information to adjust your strategies and solve user’s needs. If you have an application, you can add a search function and learn more about your user’s needs. This lets you adjust your app to meet users’ requirements.
Besides those benefits, you can actually make money from users’ searches. How Do Websites Make Money from Traffic?
The most common way for a website to make money from the traffic that comes to it is via selling advertising space. Search ads take a user already looking for a product and serve them relevant ads. When you put a search bar on your website, you help visitors find what they are looking for when clicking on the search ad, which results in revenue for the website.